Calling all local talents and aspiring actors! It's time to shine on stage in our upcoming community play, and we want YOU to be a part of it.

This American classic explores alternatives that might spring from the demented terrain of the California landscape. Sons of a desert-dwelling alcoholic and a suburban wanderer clash over a film script. Austin, the achiever, is working on a script he has sold to producer Sal Kimmer when Lee, a demented petty thief, drops in. He pitches his own idea for a movie to Kimmer, who then wants Austin to junk his bleak, modern love story and write Lee's trashy Western tale.

Saturday April 5th, 11am-2pm (come and go)
Sunday April 6th, 2-5pm (come and go)
Location: Vernon College Theatre inside the Osborne Administration building, 4400 College Drive, Vernon, TX 76384

Audition process:
Upon arrival, you will need to check in. You will be assigned a selection from the script and scene partner(s). Once you and your scene partner(s) have read through the material a few times, you will line up at the door to the audition room to be seen.
Once the casting committee has seen all checked in performers at least once they may request to see you with a different scene partner.
You are free to leave the auditions after being seen once- but the more directors get to see you, the more they get to picture you in their production! However, before leaving, please check out so we know you have left the building.
Keep in mind that many will audition, but the directors can only cast so many in this production. The more prepared and practiced (and polite) you are, the better your chances to be cast!

AUDITON SIGNUP: Use this form to provide information about yourself prior to auditions! (Those interested in tech/crew positions are encouraged to fill this out as well!)

April 9 - July 12

July 11th and 12th


  • Austin - Male identifying character. Any race or ethnicity. A squeaky clean Ivy League graduate who works as a screenwriter. Austin has a wife and children in Northern California, but is working at his mother's house in Southern California while she is away in Alaska. By all accounts he is a success. This role will require a large commitment and good memorization skills. Stage combat experience is a bonus.

  • Lee - Male identifying character. Any race or ethnicity. Austin's brother. Lee is a beer-swilling desert rat and petty thief who has come to their mother's house to loot the neighbors of household appliances. He is the exact opposite of his brother in looks, sensibility, and degree of success. This role will require a large commitment and good memorization skills. Stage combat experience is a bonus.

  • Saul Kimmer - A slick Hollywood producer. While Shepard's characterization of Saul could easily have descended into parody, Saul remains real all the way through the play. He is as sincere as anyone who is motivated only by profit can be. This role could be portrayed by a female actor although it is written for a male.

  • Mom - Though a minor character, Mom's entrance into the degenerated kitchen in Scene Nine serves as one of the great comic entrances. Unfortunately for Mom, she is completely powerless over her boys, even when she is on the scene. Mom is also the only absurd character in an otherwise highly stylized and mostly realistic play.

If you would like to read the script please email:

Read more about the True West HERE:

Directed by Sarah Swatzell & Cooper Alexander.

“True West” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.